Mission Partner Update: Juan Carlos and Penny Marces

Juan Carlos and Penny Marces, our Church Missionary Society (CMS) mission partners based in Lima, Peru joined us on Zoom at the monthly St Mary’s Evening in June. Whilst they were both in the same Zoom meeting, geographically they were 700 miles apart from each other in Peru! Juan Carlos was in Arequipa, in the … Read more …

Explorers’ Time Away

Explorers Time Away is an annual few days away for school year 5 and 6 children. Read about what happened this year!

Dress Without Stress

After a busy day of work, I was feeling a little daunted by the prospect of going out again. However, I knew it promised to be a fun event and I knew that the friend I invited was looking forward to it. We were greeted warmly and we both loved the cheese and wine spread … Read more …

Churchwardens’ Report – April 2023 to April 2024

Following a year of Interregnum, we are immensely grateful for the Lord’s generous provision on the St Mary’s staff team; Jon Drake completed his first year as our new Vicar, Ian Miller stepped up from Curate into the role of Associate Vicar in July and Adam Curtis joined us as our second Associate Vicar in … Read more …

Retirement Matters

Turning up at the church hall for ‘Retirement Matters’ I didn’t know what to expect, except for the coffee and cake of course. There was a wide range of people, from those who have quite a while to go until they retire, to those who have quite a lot of experience of it! We first … Read more …

Everyday Evangelism

Whether you are terrified of the idea of evangelism or love it, find out more about the Everyday Evangelism day conference taking place in June 2024 at St Mary’s Maidenhead.

An Evening Nelson Mandela’s Bodyguard: Rory Steyn

Read about the interview with Nelson Mandela’s bodyguard, Rory Steyn and also Karnie Sharp, from St Mary’s Maidenhead. Rory and Karnie were once on opposing sides in a divided country but now shared a platform to talk about their common faith and their life in South Africa.