The St Mary’s Parochial Church Council (PCC) is a legally constituted body and a charity, which oversees the life and running of St Mary’s, as we seek to know Jesus and make Jesus known, working alongside the Vicar and staff team. The PCC has certain legal and financial responsibilities and also acts as part of the spiritual leadership of St Mary’s, considering any major decisions and future plans.

Most PCC members are elected at the Annual Meeting, which is held every April, and consists of our clergy, churchwardens (the lay leaders of the church), elected members, elected members to Deanery Synod (a group consisting of all Church of England churches in the Maidenhead and Windsor area), and members of other Church of England Synods.

The PCC currently consists of the following members:

Licensed clergy: Rev Jon Drake (Vicar), Rev Ian Miller, Rev Neil Watkinson

Churchwardens: Anthony Kan, Lindsay Reisser-Weston

PCC elected members: Sandra Brunt, Penny Dee, John Driscoll, Linsley Green, John Blackbeard, Catriona Ketiar, Karnie Sharp, Scott Bedford, MM

Deanery Synod elected members: Neil McDonald, Rhys Mitchell, Kate Wheatley, Rob Wingfield, Phebe Tay (PCC Secretary), Paul Muir

Members of other Church of England Synods: Gracy Crane, Daniel Matovu, Thomas Walton

In addition to the PCC, there is a Standing Committee which is a smaller team consisting of the Vicar, Churchwardens, and some PCC members, which can carry on the PCC’s business between meetings and reports all significant decisions and proposals to the PCC for review and approval. The Standing Committee consists of Jon Drake, Lindsay Reisser-Weston, Anthony Kan, Phebe Tay and John Blackbeard. Rachel Meynell and Dick West attend as guests to provide support and guidance to the group.

The PCC meets every second Tuesday of the month, except for August. Dates may sometimes shift but this is outlined in the church calendar. Minutes of PCC meetings once approved can be found on our St Mary’s website under ‘Resources’. As the PCC are representatives of the congregations, please feel free to approach any PCC member if you would like to discuss an issue or suggest a topic for consideration.

We look forward to serving St Mary’s in the year to come as we deal and navigate through a host of topics which you will see in the minutes and through the Touchline blog.