It was great to welcome Harrison and Rhodah Mungai, working with iServe Africa, to the recent St Mary’s Evening and to hear news from Kikuya in Kenya. Rhodah began by giving us an update on the family – they are all well, the boys have just broken up for their three-week summer holiday with Tim, the eldest at 14 years old, in the final year of his primary education. He will be taking very important exams in October/November before starting high school after the Christmas long break. Rhodah herself will begin a year’s course in Biblical Counselling, so would appreciate prayers as she adds this to her already heavy schedule.

Harrison updated us regarding the Training Centre. The current programmes they run are:

  • Transform Discipleship Programme
  • Graduate Apprenticeship Programme
  • Missions (Next Steps)
  • Utumishi Course
  • Eneza Church Planting Programme

Harrison gave us some requests for how we can pray for their work, and we were pleased to spend some time praying for the following things:

Apprentices and Placements

  • Thank God for the 23 new apprentices joining in September. Pray that they shall go with confidence.
  • Pray for a teachable spirit for the apprentices that they would believe and live the gospel in all its wholeness.
  • Praise God for our placements. Pray that the apprentices would feel loved, accepted and that their service is appreciated.
  • Pray that the placement offers practical ministry and mentorship to apprenticeship in areas like pastoral, children’s ministry and administration.
  • Pray for provision of resources for both apprentices and placements.
  • Pray for the upcoming Ministry Training Course later in the month – pray that the apprentices would be refreshed with the Gospel.
  • Pray that the Gospel shapes our living – that both staff and apprentices will live honourable lives, bearing fruit in every way.
  • Pray for provision of resources for the Training Centre project which is still under construction.
  • Pray for the organisation as we grapple with an attempted assault on one of our apprentices.

Pray too for the ongoing work on phase two of the building project, that funds will continue to come in and the weather will be favourable.

Harrison and Rhodah send their love and best wishes to their friends at St Mary’s and thank everyone for their prayers.