We expect the highest standards of conduct from all at St Mary’s. It is our aim to treat everyone with dignity and respect as each person matters to God and we are committed to reflecting his character by behaving with integrity and accountability. If you have concerns about the behaviour of St Mary’s staff, volunteers or members of the church family you are invited to report it.


Any concern about the wellbeing of a child, young person or vulnerable adult must be reported as soon as possible. A concern may be about something that you observe that doesn’t feel right, or you notice a sign that abuse may be taking place, or if an allegation or disclosure has been made to you.

To see how to report a safeguarding concern, please see our safeguarding page.


If you become aware of something which you consider to be illegal or improper conduct from staff, volunteers or members of the St Mary’s church family you are encouraged, through agreed procedures and without fear of recrimination, to bring this to the attention of a churchwarden in the confidence that the concern will be dealt with sensitively, taken seriously and investigated appropriately.

Examples of illegal and/or improper conduct

  • Fraudulent or improper use of the church’s money or assets
  • Breach of legal requirements e.g. Health and Safety obligations
  • Corruptly receiving any gift or advantage
  • Allowing private interests to override the interests of the church
  • General malpractice including illegal, unethical or immoral conduct
  • Abuse of authority or position

To report a whistleblowing concern please follow our policy.

Any other concerns

If you have any other concerns or questions about the work of St Mary’s not covered by the safeguarding or whistleblowing sections above, please let us know by talking to a member of staff.