‘Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.’
2 Corinthians 9:7
Where does our money come from?
We are grateful to God for his kind provision for us through the generous giving from members of our congregations either by regular giving, one-off gifts or legacies. Tax refunds from the Gift Aid scheme are also an important source of our funding.
What do we spend the money on?
Our money is spent on staffing, resourcing our various ministries, maintaining our buildings, and supporting our Mission Partners – monitored by the Parochial Church Council (PCC), the elected representatives of our church.
Ways you can give
Regular Giving
We have a regular giving scheme (RGS) to help you give in a regular committed way. This enables us to plan our finances well.
One-off Gifts
We are grateful for one-off donations to the work of St Mary’s.
You may wish to remember the work of St Mary’s in your will. To find out more about how you can do this please see our Legacy Policy
Gift Aid
If you are a UK taxpayer, we would encourage you to complete a Gift Aid declaration. This increases the value of your donation by up to 25% because we claim back the tax you have paid.
Gift Days
We hold two gift days each year, one at Harvest time (September) and one at Christmas, at which we raise funds for causes outside of St Mary’s.
How to give
To join our Regular Giving Scheme (RGS) or submit a Gift Aid form please click below
Amend giving/update personal details
You can give by cheque, bank transfer or via standing order. Our bank details for a one-off gift are:
PCC of St Andrew & St Mary Magdalene
Sort code: 60-13-35
Account number: 64261883
Reference: Your name
To request a statement or to find out more information about giving please email finance@stmarysmaidenhead.org.
Contact the finance team
Finance Team
c/o St Mary’s Church Office
St Mary’s Close
14 High Street