I signed up for the five fruitful days course not really knowing what to expect, but thinking I needed some help to witness/evangelise. This turned out to be five evenings with a lovely group of us, some with English as a first language, some not. Jason and Laura Swain led us through some Bible verses each week, looking at being disciples, making disciples who then pass that on to others, so they become disciples, and so on, multiplying believers of the Word. It was really great to delve deeply in to just a few Bible verses each time, looking at them in different versions, putting them into our own language, telling someone else what that meant, even drawing Bible verses to gain deeper meaning. I came away energised in my own faith, really wanting again to ‘love the Lord with all my heart, all my soul, all my mind and all my strength’ (from Matthew 22:37). We practised “living out loud” and bringing God into our conversation naturally, and “shema” statements where we listen so as to obey the Lord. We all learned from each other as well, which was brilliant.

The lessons were simple but uplifting and so easy to put into practice so we can do this for those who do not yet know Jesus, whether that is family, friends or work colleagues. I definitely feel more able to talk to someone else about Jesus and bring him into my every day.

If you are interested in signing up for the course, or would like more information, contact Jason Swain.