Introducing The Alliance

Jon Drake writes about ‘The Alliance’, a new partnership within the Church of England of those committed to Biblical truth.

Mission Partner Update

It was great to be able to have Harrison Mungai from iServe Africa joining live with us via Zoom for the July prayer evening. He brought us up to date with the unsettled situation in Kenya regarding young people rebelling against government policies, and how iServe has been active in ensuring the safety of all … Read more …

How the arts build bridges to our world

I was rather excited to book for Mark Meynell’s talk on the arts and faith this year – I missed last year’s talk, which I regretted as I practice art, and although my work doesn’t necessarily illustrate my faith or the gospel, my relationship with God informs my creativity and expression. I was curious to … Read more …

Toxic Masculinity

The expression “Toxic Masculinity” might have gone under your radar, it might be an expression you have heard but you don’t really know what is meant by it, it might be something you are aware of and are very concerned about or it might be that you are a woman or a man and have … Read more …

Introducing …. Jonny Hayward

Hi, I’m Jonny, and I’m excited to be joining the staff team at St Mary’s this summer. I’m a violinist and composer, and I’ll be heading up the Music Ministry at St Mary’s as well as trying to make it as a freelancer. I grew up near Tunbridge Wells, went to university in Oxford and … Read more …

United Church Sunday

This was the third United Church Sunday I had been to, and as soon as I heard it announced I put it in the diary. Despite the rain, it was a really good day of coming together – only two services with the picnic lunch in between. I spent most of the day at church, … Read more …

Men’s Barbecue

The men’s barbecue is definitely a highlight in the summer calendar at St Mary’s – always well attended by men (and older teenagers) from across the various congregations. This year was no exception. There must have been 50-60 people enjoying a drink and a chat on the decking, catching the last sunrays of the evening … Read more …

Who would Jesus vote for?

Who would Jesus vote for? As the General Election draws near, we may be asking ourselves this question. Of course, Jesus never voted himself! In Biblical times, there were no democratic elections as we have today. It’s also true that Jesus’ teaching of radical love and radical holiness goes far beyond any party manifesto. In … Read more …

Mission Partner Barbecue

The annual mission partner barbecue took place recently at St Mary’s. Read on to find out more about what happens from the different perspectives of some of those who attended, including the mission partners themselves.