7UP Superhero Party

Find out more about the Superhero Party that took place at St Mary’s this week and read about a parent’s perspective.

Taste of All Nations 2023

The Taste of All Nations – take a look at the photos below of this year’s event. It is an evening of fellowship, food and fun. We listened to the organ, to uplifting choirs and watched testimonies from different members of the St Mary’s congregations, talking about how they came to put their trust in … Read more …

Mission Partner update – Wayne Dixon

Thank you very much St Mary’s church for your prayers, support and encouragement over these past 35 years. This is greatly appreciated and it was lovely to be able to share again at your recent St Mary’s Evening. Thank you also for the opportunities at your Mission BBQ and the cards we receive from members. … Read more …

What Is Mission?

What is mission? I wonder how you would answer that if asked? I have recently stepped down from a leadership role for a Christian charity that had mission in its title. For the three years I was there I had been struggling to adequately define what biblical mission is – without being too reductionist. I … Read more …