Jo heads up a team for SIL (Wycliffe Bible Translators) and updated us on some of her recent work and her thinking, at the recent St Marys evening.

Jo heads up a team for SIL (Wycliffe Bible Translators) and updated us on some of her recent work and her thinking, at the recent St Marys evening.
Find out more about the Senior Youth Weekend Away that took place in March this year.
Adam Curtis writes about the youth work at St Mary’s.
Dave Atallah provides an update with prayer points, from St Mary’s, White Waltham. Recent/current To praise: For being able to help with Easter Cracked at St Mary’s Maidenhead as well as hosting at St Mary’s White Waltham and seeing God’s wonderful Easter gospel of Jesus presented so winsomely to so many year 6 children. For the … Read more …
Find out what people who have been on the Ministry Training Course think about it.
Thanksgiving Evening and Annual Church Meeting I want to start this Vicar’s Address by reading some words of Jesus, spoken to his disciples in Matthew chapter 5 verse 14: “You are the light of the world.” Those are famous words. And they are astonishing. Jesus says that together as his people we are the light … Read more …
At our last St Mary’s Evening we had the great opportunity to catch up with two of our long-term mission partners, Steven and Jo Wheatley, who are living in a small town called Nanjoka in Malawi.
Look out this Sunday for our new Bibles. They may be hard to spot as they are the exact same colour and size as the last ones, but trust me, they are new! We have decided it is time to update our church Bibles. We did this for two reasons. Firstly, our old Bibles were … Read more …
See photos from this year’s St Mary’s Easter Sunrise service on Pinkney’s Green. Jon Drake preached, followed by breakfast.
Around 270 children from five different schools attended ‘Easter Cracked’ at St Mary’s Maidenhead. Read more about what happened on the blog.