Windsor Fellowship Update

We’re so grateful for your ongoing desire to hear about church life here at Windsor Fellowship Church, and for how you partner with us in prayer. I thought it would be helpful to share two outreach initiatives that we are excited by. Busbees This parent and toddler group been going since the end of the … Read more …

For Sale – One Yellow Submarine

One yellow (cardboard) submarine in need of a new harbour. This summer’s St Mary’s holiday club ‘Under the Sea’ featured a cardboard yellow submarine which is now searching for a new port to drop anchor. Can you help? Condition – Very good. One careful owner. Only four previous moorings. Size – fits a regular sized … Read more …

Looking Back, Looking Ahead

I’ve come to the end of my two years as a Ministry Trainee at St Mary’s and perhaps more significantly my twenty-three years as a member of the church family. In the last two it has been a great joy for me to be involved in so many different ministries all around the church. Working … Read more …

Five Fruitful Days

I signed up for the five fruitful days course not really knowing what to expect, but thinking I needed some help to witness/evangelise. This turned out to be five evenings with a lovely group of us, some with English as a first language, some not. Jason and Laura Swain led us through some Bible verses … Read more …

Holiday At Home

What a grand time we had together last Thursday. It was a splendid day thanks to Rachel Meynell and her team. We gathered at 11 o’clock for coffee. A group of us immediately got stuck into a Bible crossword which was quite challenging but with our combined brain power, and a few hints from Rachel, … Read more …

Shards Of Grace

We gathered in the vicarage garden to listen to Mark Meynell put his case for why we as believers NEED the arts. So often I look at life through the familiar, the perspective with which I feel comfortable, but as a result I fail to find the fresh perspectives, the revelation of something I hadn’t … Read more …

Mission Partner Update: iServe Africa

It was great to welcome Harrison and Rhodah Mungai, working with iServe Africa, to the recent St Mary’s Evening and to hear news from Kikuya in Kenya. Rhodah began by giving us an update on the family – they are all well, the boys have just broken up for their three-week summer holiday with Tim, … Read more …

Staff Team News

One of the great joys of being Vicar of St Mary’s is working closely with the staff team. I thank God for a team who are godly, gifted and faithful, and who love the Lord and his people. As a staff team we feel exceptionally well supported and loved by the church family, so thank … Read more …

PCC Away Day

As this was my first PCC Away Day (10th June 2023), I was not sure what to expect, I arrived early to attend the introduction segment to find out more about what I will be doing as a part of the PCC and found it very informative. This gave a good basis for the remainder … Read more …

PCC Proceedings

The St Mary’s Parochial Church Council (PCC) is a legally constituted body and a charity, which oversees the life and running of St Mary’s, as we seek to know Jesus and make Jesus known, working alongside the Vicar and staff team. The PCC has certain legal and financial responsibilities and also acts as part of … Read more …