I am writing to let everyone know about ‘The Alliance’, a new partnership within the Church of England of those committed to Biblical truth. The emergence of this group is a really positive development. The Alliance are now inviting people, both clergy and laity, to join via their website to express support – www.alliancecofe.org.

The Church of England finds itself in a very challenging place. Average weekly attendance across Church of England churches has almost halved from 1,200,000 in 2001 to less than 700,000 in 2023. The number of children and young people attending Church of England churches has more than halved over that time. The number of people beginning full-time training for ordained ministry has declined from 800 in 2020/21 to 500 in 2023/24. One of the chief causes of these tragic declines is that so many in leadership in the Church of England have lost confidence in the gospel of Jesus Christ and ceased to proclaim the Bible as the word of God. At the same time the leadership of the Church of England are pushing ahead with changes to our doctrine and practice to introduce services of blessing for same-sex relationships and to allow clergy to enter same-sex marriages. I am passionate about ensuring that all people whatever their sexuality or relationship situation are welcomed and loved in our churches, and at the same time we uphold the clear teaching of God’s word about sexuality and relationships so that together we can follow Jesus Christ. The problem with the changes the leadership of the Church of England are pushing through is that they deny the Bible’s teaching and endanger the faith and discipleship of many precious people. You can read more about these issues in the report I wrote following the consultation we had in February on St Mary’s and the Church of England. There is a link to that in the resources section below.

In the midst of all this I am thankful to God for bringing together The Alliance. It is so good to see a very wide range of Bible-believing Christians coming together to uphold Biblical truth in the Church of England. The Alliance network includes the Church of England Evangelical Council, the HTB Network, Living Out, New Wine, ReNew and others. The Alliance are passionate about proclaiming the gospel of Jesus Christ afresh to the people of England. They are committed to encouraging new people into ministry in the Church of England for the sake of witness to future generations. They are also calling on the leadership of the Church of England to provide a new structure within the Church of England so that those who are committed to the teaching of God’s word on sexuality and relationships can have a secure future and flourish within the Church of England. All this is vital work. It will help The Alliance to be able to show that they have a broad base of support. Can I encourage you to visit their website – www.alliancecofe.org – and if you can join to indicate your support.

When you join The Alliance on their website they will ask you for the following information.

Church name, including place name: St Mary’s Maidenhead

Church postcode: SL6 1YY

Diocese: Oxford

Partner networks we are part of: Church of England Evangelical Council, Living Out, ReNew

Your church’s average adult Sunday attendance: 400 (approx.)

Your church’s average under-18s Sunday attendance: 100 (approx.)


The most important thing we can do is to pray. Please join me in giving thanks for The Alliance and praying that God would protect our unity and faithfulness. Pray that even now the leadership of the Church of England will return to God’s word. Pray that a new structure will be provided within the Church of England for those who uphold God’s word on sexuality and relationships. This is needed if we are to have a secure future within the Church of England. Ask God to enable us at St Mary’s to be faithful to his word and welcoming to all. And pray that in God’s sovereign power churches all over the country will proclaim his word in all its beauty and fullness to a lost and needy world.

Jon Drake

August 2024


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