“Love the Lord your God with all your heart and soul and mind and love your neighbour as yourself.” So starts a song by The Porter’s Gate called The Greatest Commandment (Neighbor Songs 2019 Integrity Music). And it’s followed by this line: “Let us be known by the way that we love.”

Maidenhead Street Angels show we are disciples of Jesus by sharing God’s love on the streets of Maidenhead, offering help to those we meet in very practical ways.

We have had a presence in our town centre for nearly 14 years and most of us are Christian volunteers from different churches in the town.

We go out onto the streets of Maidenhead to help people in lots of different ways – those who have had too much to drink, who maybe get separated from their friends, who might need help to get home in a taxi, who want to chat for various reasons, or who are homeless etc.

Currently we aim to have a team of at least three Angels out every Saturday night and on the last Friday of the month (pay day Friday). We start our patrol at 9.45pm with a Bible reading and prayer and then stay out until between midnight and 1am, depending on how busy the town is, finishing again with a prayer.

We are completely non-judgemental; God loves us just as we are. We carry first aid, flip-flops, water, and lots of lollies which are great for starting conversations.

Street Angels is an incredibly rewarding ministry, and our teams are always warmly welcomed by the people we meet at night. We always stay together as a team plus we carry a police radio with us should we need any help. The radio also means the pub bouncers can call us if there’s an incident they feel we can help with.

Over recent months several of our Angels have either retired or moved away, so we now need more volunteers to enable us to continue patrolling our town at night.

We’ll provide training, DBS checks and a warm jacket!

Let us be known by the way that we love…

For more information, please contact us on: stangelsm@hotmail.co.uk