Hi, I’m Jonny, and I’m excited to be joining the staff team at St Mary’s this summer. I’m a violinist and composer, and I’ll be heading up the Music Ministry at St Mary’s as well as trying to make it as a freelancer. I grew up near Tunbridge Wells, went to university in Oxford and Manchester, and I’ve just moved to Maidenhead with my new wife Liz.

As Director of Music at St Mary’s, my aim will be to grow the Music Ministry by recruiting and training musicians, finding and writing new songs, and expanding and enlivening music on Sundays. Many of the volunteer musicians and music coordinators will continue to serve as part of the music team, but I’ll be taking on much of the responsibility for organising the music on Sundays. The aim of all this is for everyone at St Mary’s to know Jesus better as his word dwells richly among us through singing it, to teach and admonish each other as we sing, and to pour out thanks to God for all he has done for us.

Liz and I are looking forward to forming deep relationships with people at church and sharing life together with you all.