Woah, three years has flown by! It feels like only yesterday that we were part of the church family. We think about, speak about, and pray for St Mary’s frequently. We miss you all greatly.
I’m not sure how to sum up the last three years, but here goes… we have learnt loads, we’ve made some wonderful friends, I’ve managed to play some rugby for the club across the road, we’ve worked hard at home life and theological studies, despite our failings I think we’ve grown in our delight in the Lord… oh, and Livvy (our second child) was born! There are loads of things to praise God for.
This month we’re moving from Oak Hill. We’re going to be sad to leave, but we’re really looking forward to what’s next. We’re moving to Burford in the Cotswolds where I’ll be curate. In some ways Burford will be very different from St Mary’s. It’s a ‘benefice’ which is made up of six churches – the main church is large with a range of ages and stages, and the other five are smaller, more rural churches in the villages around. But, in other ways it will be similar to St Mary’s. There seems to be a joy in the Lord and each other when they gather on Sundays and there is a hunger to hear from God through his word. We think it’s going to be a great place for us to continue serving God and learning from him and his people.
We would value your prayers over the coming months – a few specific things:
- For adjusting to life not at Oak Hill, settling into a new place while missing the friendships and the community. That we’d make good friends in the church and the community in Burford. Please pray particularly for the kids – we have no idea how they will respond to the changes.
- That we would settle into godly habits and patterns, that we’d be humble learners and listeners.
- That the Lord would use us for good in Burford and that we would learn what it looks like to be ourselves and to love others well in village ministry.
- That Christ would be central in our home and in our lives.
- For Saracens Amateurs rugby club – the club that I’ve been playing for over the past three years. Please pray that a number of the guys would come to know and love the Lord. And pray for the two Christians who remain at the club that they would be bold in making the most of every opportunity.
Thank you so much!
A couple of other things to mention. Firstly, please feel free to get in touch – we love getting email updates from people – my email address is tadams032@gmail.com. Secondly, Simon Eves and I are getting ordained on the 28th September in Oxford. You’d be really welcome to come and support us. If you’d like to come do save the date and we’ll try and get further info to you via St Mary’s closer to the time.
Tim, Kat, Josh and Livvy Adams