Dave Atallah provides an update with prayer points, from St Mary’s, White Waltham.

White Waltham Church
To praise:
For being able to help with Easter Cracked at St Mary’s Maidenhead as well as hosting at St Mary’s White Waltham and seeing God’s wonderful Easter gospel of Jesus presented so winsomely to so many year 6 children. For the variety of Easter services we enjoyed including a Maundy Thursday informal communion and meal together, and a wonderful all age Easter day service including the baptism of a new believer.
To pray:
We feel we have struggled recently, with two church family deaths, a number of illnesses and wider family issues for key people within the church, and in our family we have had a trying time with fostering recently. Pray for perseverance, for gospel perspective, and for the teaching from Philippians of joy in all circumstances to be a great help.
To praise:
Due to a legacy, we have recently received, we have a cushion for a number of years of loss, or an opportunity to do something new.
To pray:
We are not meeting the (new) parish share requirement although we are seeking to increase our contribution year on year. At the same time, we run at a loss year on year. And a recent (Quinquennium) report has given us a list of things that need doing on our old building.
We need to discern to be wise and faithful with our resources and pray on for increased giving to give us security for ongoing ministry here.
To praise:
We had a vision morning in the Autumn following a preaching series and times of discussion. We have come up with some specific priorities and are enjoying working together to work out what is possible under God, whilst not overstretching ourselves.
We are currently running the Identity course (similar to Christianity Explored but in John rather than Mark).
We continue to be involved in our two local schools and to work at a link with Cox Green as my own family turn up there!
To pray:
We long for regular Bible discussion groups to evolve into committed fellowship groups.
We are looking as to how to connect more with the families of Woodlands Park, maybe by running an occasional service on the estate.
We want to be involved in what God wants for his church, together using our variety of gifts and opportunities.
We have seen a few new faces and families and pray they will be touched by the Holy Spirit to want to find out more and commit to join us in our growth in faith and witness.
We continue to give thanks for the deep fellowship we enjoy as a small congregation which spans the decades. We are a vital encouragement and boost to each other in the challenges
of life and faith lived out, and there is genuine love and commitment to be seen amongst us. Visitors are always struck by our community when they visit, feel free to pop in one Sunday!
We continue to give thanks for our partnership with you folk at St Mary’s Maidenhead, taking part in midweek youthwork, the holiday club, and being made aware of other events that are run.
We have had wonderful helpers for our Sunday school and look to replace a few this September, so if you are looking for a new challenge in a small but warm-hearted church….