We’re so grateful for your ongoing desire to hear about church life here at Windsor Fellowship Church, and for how you partner with us in prayer. I thought it would be helpful to share two outreach initiatives that we are excited by.
This parent and toddler group been going since the end of the first covid lockdown, having been started by a couple of mums. The vision was to create an environment where parents can find support, where relationships can flourish, and where Jesus and the gospel are a natural part of what is talked about, not just with the children, but also amongst adults. The group is intentionally quite small in order to foster the sense of a safe and welcoming environment. Give thanks for some really committed attendees, and please pray for ongoing and wide-ranging gospel fruit.
Street Outreach
We are conscious that there are many people living in Windsor who don’t have anyone who talks to them about Jesus, plus of course the thousands of tourists who visit each week. And so, as we seek to be a Great Commission shaped church, we realise that we mustn’t just rely on friendship evangelism. To that end, our Minister in Training, James Dancer, has pioneered a new initiative along with a small but committed team.
As a first step, we asked for help from one of our mission partners, Manmohan Singh, who works with London City Mission in Hounslow, where he is often to be found out and about chatting to passers-by. Spurred on by Manmohan’s example and enthusiasm, a plan emerged to set up a small book table outside our church building (just off the main high street) at 2pm on a Sunday and seek to engage passers-by in conversation. A ‘cookie for 3 questions’ offer proved particularly popular! The most recent questions being 1) What’s your name? 2) What was the best day of your life? 3) What’s your biggest fear? The team have been surprised by how often this third question has led to an opportunity to speak of the comfort and hope that Jesus offers.
Please pray for continued enthusiasm, including new team members, and for successful follow-up with contacts who have left a phone number, said they’d like to grab coffee to chat more or, in two cases, prayed a prayer of repentance.