9.15am Congregation Men’s Time Away


14th – 16th November


The Pines, Pulborough, West Sussex

What is it?

A 48 hour getaway with a small group of men from the 9.15am congregation where we read God’s word together, share fellowship and encourage each other in our walks with Jesus. This year our studies shall be on:

“Spiritual Battles: Embracing Christ’s victory in the midst of spiritual conflict”

Why come?

Because the Christian life can be hard and we need good Christian brothers around us to encourage us in it. Thus, we need to know each other well so that we can support each other. Plus, Maarten Jonckers said this about our time last year; “All in all it was a time of great fellowship, enlightening discussion, [and] a lot of fun” You can read his blog post about it here


The Pines. A large country cottage near Pulborough in West Sussex and a favourite St Mary’s venue


8.00pm Thursday 14th until 2.00pm Saturday 16th November. We will drive down to the Pines on the Thursday evening in time for dinner, and then leave on Saturday after lunch. So the Time Away does necessitate a Friday off work, but we do this intentionally so that we will be back in Maidenhead to spend Saturday evening and Sunday with family or other commitments.


We shall arrange a car share between all those coming.


£50. This includes accommodation at The Pines and our meals.


If you have any questions please ask Adam Curtis