This Sunday a selection of staff-recommended books for summer reading will be available for purchase. Below are listed the books, including those for children, available to buy.


Have You Ever Wondered…? – by Andy Bannister and Gavin Matthews.

….why we long for happiness? …why music has the power to move us? and many other questions. A great book to use as conversation starters with friends or for Christians to look at the broader life questions.


Ann Judson – by Sharon James

Biography of a missionary life in Burma.

Just Ask – by JD Greear

The joy of confident, bold, patient, relentless, shameless, dependent, grateful, powerful, expectant prayer.

Life After Life
– by Mark Meynell

Mark explores what the resurrection of Christ means for us today.

Made in our Image – by Stephen Driscoll

A Biblical perspective on how Christians should think about ourselves and about God in light of the rise of AI.

Rejoice and Tremble – by Michael Reeves

The surprising good news of the fear of the Lord.

Running The Race – by John W. Keddie

Biography of Eric Liddle, Olympic champion and missionary.

For Children

It’s Good To Be A Girl – by Oshman and Oshman (ages 3-7). Celebrates that God made girls in His image and explores all the wonderful things he designed them to be and to do.

The Man In the Tree and the Brand New Start – by Carl Laferton ( ages 3-7). A story about knowing Zacchaeus and the difference knowing Jesus makes.

Abigail and the Big Start Over – by Bethany McIlrath (age 7+). Switch schools, make friends, fix all the mess!

On the Edge of the Dark Sea of Darkness – by Andrew Peterson (ages 1-14). The first of the Wingfeather Saga books.


If you are not around on Book Sunday, all the books listed above can be obtained online from 10 of Those (, The Good Book Company (, or locally from Quench bookshop in Wokingham (