Our Senior Youth Weekend Away took place at the beginning of March this year with 36 older youth from St Mary’s and St James’s in Gerrards Cross coming along. We went off to the lovely Oakwood Activity Centre in Wokingham again where the accommodation and activities are fantastic.

This year the teaching theme was centred around heaven and the new creation and Harry Thrift showed us what the Bible says about life after this life and asked us, “Are you excited?”. It was such an encouragement to see the young people think about the hope we have in Christ as well as use the time over the weekend to ask challenging questions and carry on discussions outside of the formal teaching sessions.

These weekends away are so often mentioned in the testimonies of the young people and we are so grateful to those who hold these weekends up in prayer.

On the Saturday the youngsters took part in activities run by the centre – archery, low ropes and crate stacking – and apparently one of the girls’ groups achieved the crate stacking record for the centre, recorded as ‘St Mary’s Shift’.

Our Junior Youth Weekend Away will be happening in October 2024, with just as much fun and time spent in God’s word planned.